
Check any that apply to you:

Are you female?
Are you over 50 years old?
Are you thin or small boned?
Do you have a near relative (mother or sister) with osteoporosis?
Are you physically inactive?
Do you smoke now or have you smoked in the past?
Do you have a history of alcohol consumption?
Do you drink milk rarely or eat dairy products infrequently?
Do you eat fish, poultry or beef at most meals?
Do you drink coffee, tea or carbontated soft drinks daily?
Do you have a history of hip, spine or wrist fractures?
Do you have a history of early menopause (natural or surgically induced)?
Have you missed menses longer than 4 months?
Do you use thyroid medication?
Do you often have heartburn or indigestion?
Are you on estrogen replacement therapy?


What About Insurance

Coverage for Naturopathic services depends on which company and which policy you have insurance through. The insurance market is changing rapidly so it is difficult to keep track of which companies are covering Naturopathic services.
Check with your insurance company, give us a call, or click here to contact us for further information.