How Much Stress Can the Body Take?

A wide range of physical and emotional disorders have actualy been linked to adrenal hormone imbalances. Now there's an easy way to find out whether these imbalances are affecting how you feel.

Check any of the following statements that apply to you.
Ask yourself:

Do you often feel week and tired, for no apparent reason?
Are you under chronic stress?
Do you have trouble getting a night of restful sleep?
Do you have a low sex drive?
Are you exposed to high noise levels?
Are you feeling anxious or depressed?
Do you have menstrual difficulties?
Are you suffering from joint pain?
Do you have an eating disorder?
Have you recently gained or lost weight?
Do you suffer from ulcers or irritable bowel syndrome?
Do you have trouble with concentration, memory, or learning?
Do you suffer from hypertension?
Are you taking DHEA or pregnenoloe supplements without the guidance of a trained physician?


What About Insurance

Coverage for Naturopathic services depends on which company and which policy you have insurance through. The insurance market is changing rapidly so it is difficult to keep track of which companies are covering Naturopathic services.
Check with your insurance company, give us a call, or click here to contact us for further information.